Back In The Studio!
Jan 31 2011

Yes, as you may have heard, Chad, Joe, Mikey and Sammy are back in the studio this week working through material for the second Chickenfoot album. It's only been a few days, but things are going great and you can count on more updates in the future!
In case you hadn't caught it elsewhere, here's a few links of the guys commenting on the new album:
- Mike at NAMM 2011
- Joe Interviews: | |
- An interview with Sammy
Just saw Sammy's interview on HLN with Dr. Drew. I've always loved his music (well, since I first heard the Street Machine album in '79), but, wow! What an upbeat, positive, 'nothing bad to say about others' kinda guy. Impressive! Bless you all and I hope Chickenfoot tours somewhere near Albuquerque soon. The hubby and I would love to catch your show. Monsters of Rock in Denver was a loooong time ago. Been too long. :)
I hope Chad has a clear vision soon on what drumkit he is better off......I think it's the one with the chickenfoot-logo!
YESSSS!! Oh I'm so glad I can comment now that my account is working!! Hey everyone!! SO excited for the new album and wanna see you guys play again SO bad, better be plenty of Cali dates since I am moving there in April. I LOVE CHICKENFOOT!!!!!
The FOOT kicks some ass! Hey guys — why don't you include your amazing rendition of "Foxy Lady" on your new album! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! Thanks for giving us updates and letting us all know what you're up to! I know the next album is going to rock! CAN'T WAIT!
Forget opening up for VH, you guys should check out Gary Cherone's new project Hurtsmile!
I think the combination of them and you guys would be impossible to beat when you take the new stuff on the road!! I'm a Sammy/Michael/Chickenfoot fan all the way but I heard Cherone's new stuff and I immediately thought their sound and yours would certainly beat anything the DLR band (oops, I mean Van Halen) can put out without Sam and Mike! Can't wait to see you guys and can't wait to see Sammy at the book signing in Roseville!
Girl can't get enough. Thanks for the updates guys.
love it
This has probably been asked before but...
When are we gonna see a mega tour with Van Halen and ChickenFoot?
Hard feelings should never get in the way of millions of dollars...don't you agree?
Awesome guys! Great to see that you are still having a blast together! Can't wait to hear some samples!
Hi friends i write of Chile am fan of you and next to my band bossrock we are making their music to spread ffa in southamerica, we playing his music by all sides next to the us and we love power play algun dia together when they will come to Chile..a hug giant for uds chickenfoot alive the rock and viva jimi hendrix
We're sure will be a great album. Brazilian fans is waiting for you!!!
The world is always a safer place when Chickenfoot get together to make some music. CAN'T FREAKING WAIT for the new stuff!!!
Hey Mike, you left a plane on your hill!! We leave and look what happens. Have fun, and eat at Butterfly!!See you when you get home.
I can't wait for the new tunes and a new tour. Missed the first one, can't miss the next one...
REAL FUCKING ROCK-N-ROLL HERE... Does anyone else think Chad Smith resembles Will Farrell?
AWSOME NEWS! I can hardly wait, the foot never disappoints! I've seen joe live 12 times and the FOOT twice I can't wait for three! rock on guys!
I'm eagerly anticipating the release of your next effort. I jam the first all the time. I understand that Cad may not be on the tour due to Chili Pepper obligations, so the obvious question is who will be banging the skins?
what a great start to 2011 can't wait to hear the new album , hope the mighty foot return to uk
have a great year chickenfoooooooooooooot /|\ O YEA !
Saw Joe in Chicago on Dec 19th. Tickets were a birthday gift from my son who attended with me. It was an amazingly awesome show.
Thank you Joe.
Great news fellas, can't wait for album 2 !!
Even better if you bring it to Australia. I remember
when Sammy played here back in the 90's, one
of the great nights indeed.
Cheers boys.
Dave from OZ
Cool Twist ...!
Awesome fella's cant wait!!
Now you just gotta bring a tour down under for all ya Aussie fans!!
OK guys!!! Awesome news!! I can't wait!!! Rockin' shoes are ready!!
Sweet!!!!!! My husband, son (Sammy) and I are coming to see Sammy in Toronto during music week to hear him promoting his book. My 8 yr old son finally gets to see his namesake!! your music has brought my husband and I together in the beginning and keeps us together!! so keep putting out those albums!! do we call them albums still?? Glad to see you all in the footlocker and will be even more excited to see you live...get your soap on a rope and swing up to Southern Ontario, Canada.. when its warmer lol!! I am following all of you on twitter.. x0x0x0 Leah & Pat Ugulini
OH GOODY i was just thinking about new foot....Yes Please.
Cannot wait and i am VERY happy mr Smith is doin the drummin. yup
thats the best news ive heard in years!!
Rock on Brothers!! [/|\]
yeah for ChickenFEET!!!!